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This Is Plastics: The Story of Polystyrene is Changing

The Woodlands, Texas – May 31, 2018 – AmSty Senior Technical Service & Development Engineer Gary Welsh was featured on the Plastics Industry Alliance educational website In the feature piece, titled "The Future of Polystyrene is Changing" Welsh discusses the "sustainable and positive impact" of polystyrene and other plastics.

The full article can be found here:

First Polystyrene Chemical Recycling Facility Opens in Tigard, Oregon

The Woodlands, Texas – June 20, 2018Agilyx has opened a first-of-kind polystyrene chemical recycling facility in Tigard, Oregon, that will convert used polystyrene products back into their original liquid form.  Fresh polystyrene products can then be made without degrading quality or value.  This form of circular recycling is known as the PolyUsable™ Process.

Chemical Recycling to Play Important Part in Future of Recycling Markets

The Woodlands, Texas – January 7, 2019 – In an article published recently in the Houston Chronicle, author Andrea Leinfelder discusses the present challenges of the recycling market and future promise of chemical recycling. "One particularly promising alternative [to traditinal recycling] is chemical recycling. This turns plastic back into into its building-block molecules, which can be recombined into new plastics without degrading properties as melting does," she wrote. "The Woodlands company AmSty... is working with Agilyx, an Oregon firm that converts used polystyrene into a liquid form that can be used to make fresh polystyrene products." The full article can be found here. More information about the AmSty Joint Venture with Agilyx can be found here.

Agilyx Featured on CBS This Morning Discussing PolyUsable Chemical Recycling

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The Woodlands, Texas– April 3, 2019 – CBS debuted a story on Agilyx and PolyUsable, calling checmical recycling "a game-changer" on its national morning show, CBS This Morning today. Watch the story below on CBS:

AmSty Uses Recycled Polystyrene in Styrene Production - Big Step Toward PolyUsable™ Recycling

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The Woodlands, Texas– April 10, 2019 – In keeping with its plan to develop a long-term sustainable model for plastics recycling, AmSty, a leading U.S. based producer of polystyrene, is taking a big step. The company is now using recycled polystyrene, known as recycled styrene monomer (RSM), converted from solid polystyrene products by Agilyx, as feedstock for its world-scale styrene production facility in St. James, Louisiana. 

AmSty and Agilyx Launch Joint Venture, Regenyx LLC

The Woodlands, Texas and Tigard, Oregon – April 30, 2019 – AmSty and Agilyx announce they have formed a joint venture, Regenyx LLC, dedicated to fully recycling post-consumer polystyrene materials back to new polystyrene products. Regenyx will utilize Agilyx’s chemical recycling process to convert used polystyrene products back to their original liquid form, styrene monomer. AmSty can then take that styrene monomer and work with its supply chain partners to make new polystyrene products with a favorable environmental profile without any degradation of quality or value. This form of circular recycling is known as the PolyUsable™ process. 

Agilyx Featured on Forbes to Showcase PolyUsable Chemical Recycling

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The Woodlands, Texas– May 16, 2019 – Forbes featured Regenyx in a story about the new wave of recycling for polystyrene plastics. You can read the full story here:

AmSty Sponsors Pacific Northwest Secondary Sorting Demonstration Project

PNWSSDProject thumbThe Woodlands, Texas – June 21, 2019 – AmSty, together with industry partners, has sponsored a 60-day recycling demonstration project managed by the Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS) known as the Pacific Northwest Secondary Sorting Demonstration Project.  The exercise involves installing a portable secondary sorting system where selected materials from four regional materials recovery facilities (MRFs) will be further sorted.  

AmSty Introduces Polystyrene Resin with Reduced Environmental Impact – PolyRenew ® 5001 HE

The Woodlands, Texas – July 2, 2019 – AmSty, a major polystyrene producer, has developed a high-efficiency foam grade resin that allows foam density and part weight to be reduced by 10-15%. The reduced density also increases foam extrusion line rates by 10-15%, according to company spokesman Gary Welsh, Senior Technical Service & Development Leader. “The lighter density of this PolyRenew® resin will help manufacturers reduce energy usage and produce fewer greenhouse gasses,” says Welsh. Everyday items like carryout food containers, meat trays, and school lunch trays can use less material than before with no loss in performance.

Regenyx Featured for Chemical Industry Innovation

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The Woodlands, Texas– July 24, 2019 – Industry expert Dr. Stefan Guertzgen published a feature article on Manufacturing.Net's website to highlight the work of Regenyx, a joint-venture between AmSty and Agilyx, as it brings a new wave of recycling for polystyrene plastics.

 You can read the full story here:

Trinseo Exec Talks Innovation with Chemical Week Magazine

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The Woodlands, Texas– August 1, 2019 – Nicolas Joly, Global Business Director for Polystyrene at Trinseo, discussed with ChecmWeek Magazine the potential PS chemical recycling brings to consumers across the world. Joly highlight the work of AmSty, Agilyx and Regenyx, recycling post-use polystyrene in the Pacific Northwest.

 You can read the full story here on ChemWeek or on Trinseo's website.

Plastics News: Oregon Project Out to Prove Recycling Can Pay

The Woodlands, Texas – September 26, 2019 –  Plastics News published an article showcasing a major Oregon-based recycling project, sponsored by AmSty, whose goal is to find solutions to plastic waste and recycling improvements.

Jim Johnson, the author of the article says, "Instead of adding additional equipment to each Municipal Recycling Facility (MRF) to capture more plastics, the pilot project instead is out to prove that a secondary sortation at a completely different facility is cost effective."

The Circular Economy - Regenyx Leads the Way for Chemical Recycling in Polystyrene

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The Woodlands, Texas– October 1, 2019 – Plastics News has publisehd an article showcasing the work of AmSty and its partner company Agilyx, along with other industry leaders, who are working towards a circular economy in plastics recycling. 

Rob Benedict, the author's article says, "Petrochemical manufacturers are commonly known as creators of the building blocks for plastic. But increasingly, they're making headlines for reversing that process — turning used plastic products back into their original building-block monomers "

 You can read the full story here: