REACH is a European Community regulation (EC 2006/1907) on chemicals and their safe use. It stands for Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical substances and was introduced to streamline and improve the former legislative framework on chemicals in the European Union (EU).
REACH places greater responsibility on industry to manage the risks that chemicals may pose to health and the environment. The European Chemical Agency (ECHA) is responsible for managing REACH implementation across the EU. Detailed information on REACH legislation can be found on the ECHA (European Chemicals) website.
AmSty has taken the necessary steps to meet its REACH obligations. We have inventoried the products we manufacture and the substances that are used in their formulations which may be subject to REACH legislation. Polystyrene resins are polymers which are exempt from REACH legislation. The substances manufactured by AmSty impacted by the REACH legislation include styrene monomer, ethylbenzene, and diethylbenzene.
AmSty has appointed Labcorp Early Development Laboratories LTD as the "Only Representative" or "OR" to manage all REACH compliance activities.